CBSE 12th Topper 2020

Lucknow's Divyanshi Jain who topped Class 12 with 100% marks

CBSE Board: 12वीं में लखनऊ की दिव्यांशी ...
credit : AajTak

New Delhi : Divyanshi Jain scored 600 marks out of a total of 600 to get 100 per cent in CBSE Class 12 result 2020. 

The results of CBSE Class 12 board examinations 2020 were declared today 13 July. Around 12 lakh candidates appeared for the exam, with Lucknow girl Divyanshi Jain emerging as the topper of CBSE Class 12 exam 2020.

The report added that Divyanshi had appeared for all exams except Geography, which was cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Divyanshi Jain scored 600 marks out of a total of 600 to get 100 per cent in CBSE Class 12 result 2020.

As per the report, Divyanshi is the second child of a businessman father and a mother who is a homemaker. The youngster credited her parents and teachers for her success, stating that her teachers guided her throughout the year and that she was able to follow a systematic routine due to her parents.

Speaking with Hindustan Times, the 18-year-old said, "This is unbelievable. I am elated and surprised at the same time."
Divyanshi's scores are based on her marks in English, Sanskrit, History, Geography, Insurance and Economics.

"I also made it a point to focus on revision and mock tests that helped me to score better,” she added.

Divyanshi said she never crammed any subject but would rather analyse every day what she learned during her revisions. The youngster said she focused more on NCERT books rather than solving guides.

She has applied for admissions in BA (H) History at the Delhi University.

The CBSE has said that 88.78 percent of students have passed the Class 12 exams 2020. The pass percentage increased by 5.38 percent as compared to 2019 when 83.4 percent of students passed.

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