Delhi government launches drive to prepare people to deal with earthquakes

The Delhi government will also help people be well-prepared and take measures to minimize the damage and effects of earthquakes

Situation better in Delhi': Arvind Kejriwal announces delinking of ...
credit : NewIndianExpress

New Delhi : After a series of minor earthquakes hit the national capital in the last few months, the Delhi government has launched an awareness campaign on how to react during earthquakes. The campaign informs people on the steps to be taken by Delhiites to deal with such a situation.

"Considering the frequency of earthquakes in Delhi since April this year, the Delhi government has launched an awareness campaign on the steps to be taken by the people during and after an earthquake," a statement issued by the chief minister's office said.

The campaign aims at making homes, offices, schools, and other commercial and residential spaces fully prepared and efficiently deal with earthquakes. Since April 2020, a total of 18 very mild tremors have been felt across Delhi. The campaign of the Delhi government will also help people be well-prepared and take measures to minimize the damage and effects of the earthquakes, it said.

"My policy is simple: prepare today to save lives tomorrow. We have compiled useful information that will prepare homes, schools, and workplaces in Delhi, to react to an earthquake emergency with calm and efficiency. Together let us build a Delhi that is prepared to face any crisis," the CM also said.

"The last few weeks have taught us the importance of awareness, preparation, and timely action. That is why your government is announcing a new campaign to prepare the people of Delhi for the unlikely event of an earthquake," Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was quoted as saying in the statement.

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