72 NFL Players Test Positive For Coronavirus

Amazingly 72 NFL players found positive and more tests to be done

72 NFL players positive for virus: Union | More sports News ...
credit : Times Of India

New Delhi : The NFL Players Association revealed on its website that 72 players in the league have already tested positive for COVID-19 as of July 10. None were named specifically, nor was it apparent how many players in a league with nearly 3,000 of them have been screened at this point.

It could be the latest obstacle for the NFL given training camps are scheduled to open later this month.

Rams center Brian Allen, Broncos linebacker Von Miller and Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott are among those who have publicly discussed their bouts with the novel coronavirus.

Rookies for the Houston Texans and reigning Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs — those teams are scheduled to meet in the regular-season opener Sept. 10 — are theoretically eligible to report this weekend under the terms of the new collective bargaining agreement. 

NFLPA president J.C. Tretter, a center for the Cleveland Browns, accused the NFL last week of failing to prioritize player safety in the face of the pandemic.

The league rejected a 48-day training camp recommendation from a joint NFL-NFLPA committee in favor of a 23-day session before the first of two pre-season games, down from four in prior years.

However, Tretter said league chiefs were risking the entire season if they failed to fully address concerns over the virus.

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